Elizabeth and James’ Wedding

Greek Orthodox Wedding|Cascade Gardens|Yakima, Washington

I never fear a long drive for any wedding, weddings like James and Elizabeth’s are why. All the way on the Eastern side of Washington in Yakima, there is a wonderful venue Cascade Garden. I had never been there before, but boy was it beautiful.

Elizabeth and James had met on a mission trip together in Texas, where Elizabeth is from, and fell in love from the start. This was clear to see through the day as I took pictures of them together and separately. Family from Texas and Yakima were all around and helping the busy bride and groom get ready for their first look, it was so cute to see.

Some couples I have to tell to ignore me while they do their first look, this wasn’t an issue at all with Elizabeth and James. They were infatuated with each other, and their pictures reflect it.

The ceremony venue was jaw-dropping with a ceiling that reached to the heavens and iconography that would put the Sistine Chapel to shame. Although long, the ceremony was full of beautiful rituals and traditions that were awesome to catch on camera.

As the wedding day proceeded, we were finally able to get some downtime before toasts where I could pose for the bride and groom. The pictures turned out killer and are going to last for many years and generations to come. As I said before, you could just feel the chemistry between these two and it just made the pictures all so much better.

After the pictures, it was time to give the bride and groom some downtime where they could listen to the toasts of their family and friends. Words were said and tears were cried. It was a privilege to be a part of it all and have the night end with some beautiful first dances and partying.

Congratulations to Elizabeth and James!

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